They are not seen often these days, but occasionally you may see roadblocks in the Fort Worth, Texas area designed to find intoxicated drivers. If by chance you are pulled over for driving while under the influence, then your best defense is to seek the advice from an experienced Fort Worth DWI Lawyer. Their recommendation is to always ask the officer to speak to your attorney
prior to any testing or statementsare made.
This might sound a little strange, but all you are doing is enacting your right as an American citizen to have the advice of your attorney present prior to the law enforcement officer can ask you any questions or for you to perform any tests like a sobriety test. Most police will think this is a delaying tactic. Though it may be, it is also quite legal.
Often times, even if you can reach your attorney, he will likely not be able to show up for hours or even until morning. The main reason is that if it is after business hours, he will be asleep or harder to reach. When the messages are checked in the morning your Fort Worth DWI lawyer will respond and show up to protect you. This is a legitimate reason for there to be hours in delays before your legal representation will attend to your request.
The local prosecutor will no doubt point out to the judge that this is a simple delaying tactic, and they will be right. But this representation is guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution. They cannot argue successfully against it or hold it against you for exercising your rights.
Your attorney can counter the prosecutor's argument that you remembered your rights so how could you be as intoxicated as the police officer claims you were? This is a legitimate point and has to be taken into consideration.
So regardless of what the situation or circumstances you find yourself in when confronted with a sobriety test by a law enforcement officer, do not refuse to take it, just ask to talk to your Fort Worth DWI lawyer first.
Article Source: Mark Sierra
Representation by a Fort Worth DWI Lawyer
Posted by
on Wednesday, December 30, 2009
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